Your business benefits by using a booking app

Mobile app for bookings on-the-go

Our streamlined booking system enhances the efficiency of a business and overall provides a better customer experience.

Discover these top five tips to benefit your business by using a booking app!

1. Keep your Business running 24/7
One of the main benefits of online booking is the fact that your business is now open to take bookings all day, all night, and whenever it’s most convenient for the customer.

2. Reduce your Admin workload
An automated online booking system allows a customer to do all the work for you, they are given a selection of free spaces, they choose a date and time that best suits them, then they key in all relevant information. The appointment is automatically logged in your system without you having to lift so much as a finger!

3. Increase Payment Speed and Security
The best online booking platforms are those that include instant and secure payment functionality, that allows you to either take an upfront deposit or full prepayment, and that gets the money into your account quicker.

4. Maximise Reservations and Reduce No Shows
Did you know people who book online are far more likely to show up to their appointment? This is because they are forced to choose a date and time that works for them as well as the text and email reminders they receive reminding them about their upcoming booking.

5. Reduce No Shows
Not only are no-shows reduced, the fact that customers can look at exactly when you have a free opening means that you can maximise your reservations, by avoiding the endless back and forth that often happens when you try to find a free spot over the phone.

Top Features of The Sports Booker System
Sports Booker is designed with easy to use features, all accessible from the central dashboard screen. Our online booking system allows you to spend more time with your customers and less time on administration tasks. We understand the importance of having a reliable system that works effectively and efficiently, and we are committed to providing our customers with the best service possible.

The Main Features:
• Booking and Facility Scheduling
• Membership Management
• Integrated Payments and Direct Debits
• Full Access Control
• A Booking App
• Management Reporting
• Marketing & Invoicing
• Client Booking Portal