New Stripe WisePOS E terminal integration released

New Stripe WisePOS E terminal integration released


We have successfully concluded an exciting integration between Sports Booker and the Stripe WisePOS E terminal card reader. The main objective behind this development was to facilitate the utilisation of a Stripe WisePOS E terminal card reader in tandem with the Sports Booker dashboard till interface, allowing customers to make cashless in-person payments.

1. Virtual payment tills

With this recent advancement, Sports Booker can now provide our clients with virtual payment tills, in addition to online booking and standard virtual tills. This terminal empowers individuals at shopfronts, receptions, or outdoor venues to process card payments seamlessly through the dashboard using an internet-enabled device such as a PC, laptop, tablet, or phone. It’s worth noting that the dashboard device and the terminal can operate from different locations globally, as long as they are connected to the internet.

2. Simulates the Stripe Smart Reader for payments

To enable this functionality, we have introduced a new setting that designates the till interface EPOS simulator to utilise a Stripe smart reader for payment collection. When an operator opts to use the point-of-sale (POS) system for payment during the checkout process, the transaction is transmitted to the registered smart reader through the Stripe API. Upon successful completion of the transaction, the smart reader communicates the details back to the dashboard via the Stripe API.

3. One of the first UK collaborations

The development process was a collaborative effort, benefiting from valuable insights and collaboration with Stripe in the United States. The integration is relatively new in the UK, and we were fortunate to have our test account included in their beta program for the server-driven integration. This ensured that all the steps were executed accurately.

4. Now available to purchase

The WisePOS E Terminal Card Reader is available for buy now. Please contact our Service Desk via or call us 0330 025 2035 for more details. If you have an existing Stripe account the terminal is available via the Stripe dashboard.