Write a review of Sports Booker and receive a $25 gift card - Sports-Booker.com

Write a review of Sports Booker and receive a $25 gift card

Write a review of Sports Booker and receive a $25 gift card

We have teamed up with leading review website Capterra to offer $25 gift cards in exchange for a review of Sports Booker. The first 100 users to leave a qualifying review will receive a free $25 MasterCard gift card on behalf of Capterra.

Our online reviews help us to improve our software and our service to you. We truly value your opinion and we would love to get your feedback.

If you can spare a moment to share your thoughts using the link below we would be very grateful.



What is Capterra?

Capterra is the leading online resource for business software buyers. By writing reviews on the software you use, you’ll be helping your peers make informed purchasing decisions. Your review will allow others to get a clear picture of how the software works and what they can expect.


Helpful links

To book a free demo of Sports Booker, click here.

Visit our FAQ page to find out more about using Sports Booker.

Take a look at our case studies to see how Sports Booker can help.

Meet the team and get to know Alice MacNicol.